September. The last show of the year for me - Stafford. Not the biggest of Shows, but we were blessed with some fine weather and good company.
There was great interest in a certain couple of members 'Fleet Additions'.
One factory built and one built in true Hoody style. It never ceases to amaze me what an ingenious bunch of folk they (we) are!
During the course of attending numerous shows over the years, I happened to come across a guy a knew from years ago.
He's in the Trimming & Materials Trade. On a seperate tack, I'd started to get the feeling that whilst driving my car with the weather gear on,
it was pretty dark and gloomy inside. Then it twigged. I wonder if my old friend could sew a clear panel into the roof of the hood?
He was glad to oblige, but warned me that there would be a good probability that the seams would leak.
I'd got my own ideas about this, so on the way back from the Stafford Show I took the plunge, called in and he did the job while I waited.
Once home I set about sealing the seams and the job was completed.
I'm really pleased with it and it's gone down really well with the Hoodies that've seen it so far. The cabin is much lighter and, No Leaks!
October. Not much at all to report this month.
Just enjoying the last of the summer whilst the weather held and thoughts starting to turn to this winter's looming round of 'Tinkeritis'.
Then my speakers blew up - Again! That's two sets I've gone through now. I must learn to not keep cranking up the volume at speed - It's pointless anyway :-)
Now fitted with a pair rated at 450 Watts. Nice.
November. I hadn't planned to run the car into November, but I didn't manage to SORN it at the end of October.
With the weather still pretty good and there certainly being no salt on the roads as yet, I was up for one more month.
Again, no issues and the car's still a pleasure to drive.
This has been a good year for the car, what with numerous trips (including the Nurburgring) and no great problems - apart from the waterpump.
19,844 Miles on the Clock - Now on SORN.
Here's the plan for the next bought of 'Winter Tinkeritis':
• Brakes -- New pads & Shoes (Maybe new discs too).
• Wheels -- Refurb.
• New Tyres.
• Prop Shaft -- Remove & check thoroughly.
• Drive Shafts -- Remove & check thoroughly.
• Lower Wishbone Ball Joints -- Renew.
• Distributor -- Renew (want to re-introduce the Vac Advance).
• Wipers -- Overhaul and rectify excessive sweep.
• Seats (Lower?) - Didn't get around to this last year.
• Sidescreens (Velcro) - Didn't get around to this either!
Not too bad a list - Better get cracking though...
Oh and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to anyone who's read this far! - Stay safe.