Well, what a cold winter this one was!!.
What with one thing or another, December & January saw extremely little presence in the garage. It was just too darn cold!
I knew that the antifreeze was sufficient, so I just ventured out every couple of weeks to start the engine
and have a quick reverse up the drive and back into the garage again.
Each time, I ran the engine until it was fully up to temp, in order to convince myself that all was well.
I also bought a tubular heater off eBay and wired it up via a thermostat so that it would kick in if it got really brass monkeys.
February. I ventured out to the garage a little more and managed to get the prop-shaft greased
and fit a new rubber seal across the top of the windscreen.
That was pretty much it actually. I did have a list of jobs, but there really wasn't anything else that was pressing.
So, I'm all set for the 2011 Season and really looking forward to it!
This website really started off only as a Build Diary,
but I kept it going in order to keep a record and to share my experiences (Good & Bad!) with anyone out there who wanted to read them.
All good things come to an end though and so, I've decide to discontinue my regular updates.
May I take this opportunity to thank anyone who's got this far and I sincerely hope you...
enjoyed it / found it useful / learn't something / decided to do things better than I have done (delete whichever isn't applicable). ;-)
Stay safe and maybe I'll see you around sometime...