Cycle Wings
These are now finished and finally in place.
Boot Lining
This is also now
It has a removable floor so that I can gain access should I need to in the future.
I've now made a start on the
Boot Cover.
Exhaust Heatshield
This has now been cut and
It looks good but I'm a bit concerned that the holes in it will not be deemed SVA compliant though, so I may have to use a plain piece of sheet metal instead.
As I was nearing the end of the electrics, things started going a bit wrong. Basically, as came to wire up the wipers, strange things started happening and blowing fuses.
I struggled quite a bit on this aspect and couldn't figure out what the problem was and quite a bit of head-scratching then ensued.
I then started to doubt all the electrical work I'd already done. After pondering on this for a while, I decided I needed some expert help.
I contacted Gingerfix and he agreed to assist. The day came and so did Graham.
Along with the issues I'd already discussed with him, I was also armed with a whole host of general questions regarding the build to date (and also what else there was to be done).
It transpired that one half of the column stalks were faulty. Graham had some spares, so these were duly swapped out. Hey presto! The electrics were then working as intended.
One thing he got on with, whilst I kept him supplied with hot drinks and tatted about doing bits & bobs, was the windscreen.
This is now
in place. I just need to paint and edge-trim the support pillars.
Graham also helped me with other aspects (wipers etc) and dutifully gave me a full days worth of assistance. Thoroughly recommended - Thanks Graham!
The electrics are now 99% complete. All the fuses and relays are
mounted in a lidded compartment in the engine bay.
I also took the opportunity to wire in some
under-dash lighting!
Everything is wired up and working apart from the rear number plate lamp. I just need to make up a suitable bracket.
I've also mounted the
washer bottle.
Also note in the bottom of the photo, a 100amp fuse, which Graham strongly recommended that I incorporate.
This is also just about finished. Included in this was work to enclose the pedal box.
I fitted a
removable lid for this to enable any
necessary access at a later date.
I'm now ready to finish this off with some heatmat but I'll leave this until I know that the scuttle is on for the final time.
I need to seal up the original de-mister vents which (in my case) were in totally in the wrong place.
The de-misters are
fitted but I had some bother with the motor as it was a bit noisy.
After taking the heater box apart, I managed to get some lube onto the bearings. All seemed well but after a week or so, it started up making a racket again.
I've managed to source a replacement motor (from a RHOCaR member) which at the time of 'going to press', has just arrived - Thanks Robin.
So then, a really good two months work (for me at any rate) and I'm very pleased with progress.
I can't let these diary entries go by without saying thanks (yet again) to all those RHOCaR people out there who have helped and advised me.
What's left to do?
. Dash - switches & clocks are done already
. Boot Lid - already started
. Seats - already started
. Carpet & Trim
. Chequer Plate for the footwell floors
. Probably 100 other things I've forgotten!!
. Send off SVA Form
I'm conscious of all the "I just need to do this's and that's" so these will take up some time.
Will it be finished in the next couple of months, ready for a May 1st Launch? - Fingers crossed. It's a long shot, but I'm hoping so.